[L-R] Startup Onramp Founder Colin Kinner, Lead Facilitator Jacqui Price, and Support facilitator Gary Swanepoel.

If you are considering launching a startup, or have an idea for a startup, the Startup Onramp program is for you.

Startup Onramp is a 12-week training and mentoring program that gives new and aspiring founders the skills, advice and networks they need to launch and grow their company. Learn how to build a startup — without quitting your day job!

According to Startup Onramp founder Colin Kinner, the program’s core mission is to help people make the transition from employee to entrepreneur, and to give them a solid grounding in how to start a successful tech company.

Kinner was busy earlier this week training the facilitation team for the roll out of the Startup Onramp program into Regional Queensland next month. Jacqui Price has been appointed the lead Facilitator for the Sunshine Coast’s first Startup Onramp program.

Jacqui recently delivered the Innovation Centre’s GrowCoastal Food Accelerator program and brings extensive product commercialisation experience to the role. Jacqui will be supported by Gary Swanepoel, Co-founder of Junction 2 Coworking Space and Founding Board Member of Innovate Noosa, along with Coby Sullivan, Regional Innovation Coordinator for #SCRIPT.

Applications for September 2018 cohort open soon.

For more information, email [email protected]