Moving beyond business-as-usual online experiences and driving more favourable market conditions to advance digital are the cornerstones of pushing Australia to the top of the leading digital nations, according to the 2014 Digital Australia Report.

It says monitoring the digital environment in order to respond to changes as they happen is integral to success.

“The leaders in this area will be from organisations where innovation is expected and encouraged, where digital is firmly integrated into business strategy, and where their value proposition is based on being quick to respond to new customer behaviours while working to create new ones.”

The Digital Australia: State of the Nation report shines a spotlight on Australian consumers to capture and understand their digital consumption and behaviours, as well as their attitudes and experiences in the digital age.

“The recipe for successful organisations … is simply about taking a customer-centric view of the digital world. Business must put customers at the centre of their thinking, and must implement continuous innovation processes and real-time feedback loops,” the report says.

Key messages in the report’s conclusion include:

  • We can expect waves of digital disruption, unbalancing incumbents and creating tremendous opportunities for nimble organisations with the capacity to react
  • Australia’s digital offering lags behind the rest of the world, and vast sectors of the economy must now step up
  • E-commerce and m-commerce continue to rise in popularity, and are part of the reason why security and privacy are firmly back on the agenda for Australian consumers
  • Government can add value through leadership – improving delivery of its own services, as well as supporting investment in innovation and infrastructure that underpins a strong digital economy

The Digital Australia Report is a comprehensive research program comprising:

  • A survey of 1500 Australian consumers
  • A survey of 167 digital opinion leaders in Australian organisations
  • A series of in-depth interviews with senior digital strategy leaders in organisations that are delivering superior digital consumer experiences
  • An aggregation of published national and global digital research over the last 2-3 years.