Queensland is on course to become Australia’s most digitally interactive state, opening up Government information and services for more Queenslanders, with the release of GoDigitalQld.

Information Technology Minister Ian Walker said the Queensland Digital Economy Strategy and Action Plan mapped how Queensland would move ahead and stake its claim in the global digital market place.

“This is about helping Queenslanders, particularly in rural and remote communities, to connect with their friends, family and broader communities, and to grow their businesses. It’s also about developing our local digital industry and creating a modern Queensland Government.

“Developing the digital economy is integral to making us more prosperous, advancing our economy, creating jobs of the future, attracting investment and improving the lives of all Queenslanders.

“It boosts productivity and innovation, improves services and reduces costs while enabling industry and business to become globally competitive and access new markets and customers,” Mr Walker said.

“The GoDigitalQld strategy will assist all Queenslanders to quickly adapt to the digital realm and embrace the opportunities provided, not only within our government sector but also within the four pillars of Queensland’s economy. It is our framework for increasing digital awareness, confidence and skills across Queensland.”

Visit the Queensland Government website www.qld.gov.au/godigitalqld to find out more about the GoDigitalQld Queensland Digital Economy Strategy and Action Plan.