Congratulations to CryptoPhoto who has taken out the financial category at this year’s national iAwards, with Sunshine Coast Council’s Disaster Hub a merit recipient in the government category.

The iAwards honour top Australians at the leading edge of digital innovation and recognises brilliant new ideas that have been brought to life by the country’s finest minds from schools, start-ups, universities and research institutions, and the public and private sectors – everyone from app developers to scientists and engineers. 

Industry domain / financial category winner

CryptoPhoto security blocks phishing and malware attacks (these cause 90% of all internet breakins) by giving you a fast new way to log in to websites. It replaces legacy two-factor-authentication (2FA or two-step), and optionally passwords too, with smart pictures: to log in safely, you simply tap once.

Service domain / government category merit recipient

The Sunshine Coast Council Disaster Hub is a contemporary and innovative tool providing comprehensive, centralised and real-time information for the public, media and external agencies to access before, during and after disaster events. It enables preparedness for events and is a critical intelligence gathering and decision making tool during disasters.

Australia’s smartest innovators and hottest digital innovations were celebrated at the national iAwards held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 28 August 2015.