The Speed it Up! campaign, delivered by Digital Sunshine Coast in partnership with council and Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast (RDASC), is encouraging Sunshine Coast businesses and organisations to share their current internet speeds and options in order to drive positive change within our region. 

Economic Development Portfolio Councillor Stephen Robinson said businesses and organisations could now provide important information regarding their current internet performance via an online survey.

“The Speed it Up! campaign has been designed in collaboration with telecommunications providers and aims to drive investment in competitive broadband solutions that will make internet on the Coast faster and more cost effective for local businesses,” Cr Robinson said.

“Digital Sunshine Coast is engaging with organisations and the business community to find out the current level of demand in our region for business-grade broadband as a way to drive investment in broadband services and infrastructure that will better support the region into the future.”

Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast Chairperson Tony Riddle said the campaign was designed to ensure local businesses and organisations have more choice and better connectivity with their customers and clients.

“The campaign will demonstrate the type of market we have here on the Sunshine Coast of businesses and other organisations who need faster and more substantive internet access,” Mr Riddle said.

“It’s also about making the case to state and federal governments that as a large regional area and destination for millions of visitors each year, the Sunshine Coast is in need of more technology and better infrastructure investment.

“Digital marketing and engagement with consumers is one of the most important drivers of customers and business growth. This is even more important in areas like the Sunshine Coast where many of our businesses rely on the capacity to connect with people from all over Australia and the world.

“Whether you’re a tech start-up, a tourism business or a service provider, most customers and clients are engaging with business online. Slow internet, or the risk of regular crashes, can lead to substantial financial and opportunity losses to a business.”

For more information about the Speed it Up! Campaign, visit:

Businesses can participate in the survey via:

All information provided will be collated by Digital Sunshine Coast to provide important information to local businesses about the current broadband options available to them.

Data from the survey will also be used to showcase the digital needs of the Sunshine Coast and help drive much-needed investment that supports local businesses and economic growth in the region.