
Sunshine Coast businesses leading the way

For Startup Weekend this year the organizers wanted to try something new. All around the world there has been a massive shift in focus and the majority are taking a stand towards a more sustainable future. Therefore, this years Startup Weekend will have a focus on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN. In celebration, Silicon Coast will shine a light on a few businesses, based on the Sunshine Coast, that are leading the way towards a more sustainable future. We will be featuring a new businesses weekly until the event kicks off on the 3rd of April.…
Louise Bertram
March 10, 2020

The DeLorean Project supporting youth with skill sets that lasts a lifetime.

Over the past 4 years, Glasshouse Christian College have been dedicating one day a week for their year 10 students to teach them various skill sets through, what they call, The DeLorean Project. The vision for the project is for the kids to develop skills in the four different areas: ways of thinking, ways of working, tools of working and ways of living in the world. This program gives students the opportunity to engage in authentic, student-directed and innovative learning.  Every year The DeLorean Project team put together an end of year presentation night where all students get to present…
Louise Bertram
November 30, 2019

Benchmark Report Validates The Power Of Innovation To Local Businesses

A Sunshine Coast first – the Regional Innovation Benchmark shows that local businesses who prioritise innovation increased their sales of new products and services by 20% and higher, according to the 2018-2019 Regional Innovation Benchmark completed by USC Researchers, Dr Retha de Villiers Scheepers and Dr Saskia de Klerk for the Sunshine Coast Regional Innovation Project Team (SCRIPT). “With our start-up community reaching the energetic adolescence stage, it’s time to take stock of the Sunshine Coast's progress - the successes, the struggles and, most importantly, build on the regions solid foundation. This is where SCRIPT and its partners will play…
Louise Bertram
November 18, 2019

Regional Innovation Benchmark (RIB)

The Regional Innovation Benchmark Report (2019) is a candid glimpse into the ways in which innovation is approached and executed within the Sunshine Coast’s Regional innovation ecosystem. The benchmark provides a knowledge-sharing opportunity about how to develop innovations within new and existing businesses to boost business performance. The RIB measures the approaches local businesses take to innovate and the value this generates. Download the Report here: Regional Innovation Benchmark Report 2019 For further details see the full research paper (55 pages) here: You may also be interested in reading our previous research on the Sunshine Coast Innovation Ecosystem here Full…
Louise Bertram
November 18, 2019