Digital strategist, web designer and copywriter Annabel Candy moved to the Sunshine Coast in 2010 and set up the internationally popular travel and adventure blog called Get In the Hot Spot.

Since building an engaged global community, Annabel has worked with global brands like Coca-Cola, the Canadian Tourism Commission, JetStar, Tourism NT, Holiday Inn and the Commonwealth Bank.  Annabel has also shared her experiences and spoken about blogging and social media marketing as a guest at events including the Social Media Tourism Symposium, Walkleys Media Awards and the Sanganai Travel Fair in Zimbabwe. 

What are the operating advantages and challenges to being based on the Sunshine Coast?

The advantage of operating on the Sunshine Coast is our location near great beaches and good schools.

The disadvantages are that the Sunshine Coast is a small region, creating constraints on operating a locally-based business alone. Both my blog Get In the Hot Spot and website business, Mucho, currently get a great deal of business from outside the Sunshine Coast region.

How are you using digital technology and systems to evolve your business practices?

Digital technology plays a significant role in our operations, which include social media, web blogging and WordPress. These technological systems are a strategic way to expand the Get In the Hot Spot brand and build networks and relationships with fellow business owners on the Sunshine Coast.

What are the key digital innovations changing your industry sector?

Digital technology plays a significant role in our operations, which include social media, web blogging and WordPress. The expansion of Google and additional search engines through their increasing speed and accessibility are key advances in the digital marketing sector. Laptops, mobile phones and tablets are becoming more prominent in everyday living, allowing businesses the opportunity to increase their credibility through innovative marketing.

Do you have sufficient access to broadband and/or WI-FI facilities for operational purposes?

It’s reasonable. Our business operates from home with a WI-FI modem.

How do you think the expanding digital economy will benefit the Sunshine Coast region for businesses, families and communities?

Through the expansion of the digital economy, greater employment opportunities will exist on the Sunshine Coast, allowing for more community members to live and work in the region at a steadier flow.

For more information about Get in the Hot Spot visit Annabel’s blog here: